Friday, December 30, 2016

街道上的生活 Absorbing life on the Streets ...

Some of us 
are lucky enough
to work in an office 
with an abled body and mind
we should all be 
contented of what we are

Flee Market @ KL China Town

KL Flee Market at China Town
Samsung S7 Edge

Thursday, December 29, 2016

认为是理所当然的 Take for Granted ...

Rice is only Great
when you are Hungry,
we will only appreciate
the simplest things in life
when we no longer 
have it

@ 东京厨房Tokyo Kitchen USJ10 Taipan

@ 东京厨房Tokyo Kitchen USJ10 Taipan
Samsung S7 Edge

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

English charm II 魅力英式都铎式风格建筑 II ...

Nov 26, 2010
Ye Olde Smokehouse, Cameron Highlands ...
都铎风格的纯英式小酒店 ...

it was built in 1937. So yes I guess that is old and therefore part of the charm ...
它始建于1937年。所以我想这是它老的魅力和有吸引力的地方 ...

We heard that dining here is really expensive with all 
the menu consists entirely of British staple fare ...
我们听说,在这里用餐真的是很贵主而主食菜单完全是英式 ...

 It was originally opened as Ye Olde Smokehouse Inn at 
Christmas time in 1937, by an Englishman Douglas Warin ...
Ye Olde Smokehouse 客栈 ...

In the beginning it had only six rooms, and its clientele was mainly 
homesick British expatriates, who could only visit home once in every eight years, 
looking for some cool weather and perhaps these English style gardens ...

The hotel is rich in history, having survived the Japanese occupation and the Emergency ...
酒店坐落于历史悠久,有幸存逃过日本占领和紧急时期的毁坏 ...

Since 1977, it seems that “the Lee family” has owned it. 
The family used to own The Smokehouse at Fraser’s Hill as well ...
这个家庭也曾拥有在福隆港的 Smokehouse ...

the mock Tudor-styled or Tudorbethan, first manifested itself in domestic architecture 
beginning in the United Kingdom from the mid to late 19th century. 
It later became an influence in some other countries, especially the British colonies. 
You can find the presence of these architectural style in various parts of Malaysia ...
你可以找到这些建筑风格在马来西亚各地 ...

OLD is gold and this definitely rings true of The Smokehouse with its English imprint, 
a nostalgic reminder of the bygone colonial era ...
这一个过去的殖民时代怀旧的Smokehouse的确提醒了老是宝 ...

There are 3 smokehouse in Malaysia, this one in Cameron Highlands
build in 1937 is the oldest. There is also another at Fraser’s Hill. 
And a third one in Kuala Lumpur mainly positioned as a restaurant ...
第二所在福隆港。然而最新的一所在吉隆坡, 主要是作为餐厅的地方 ...

Monday, December 26, 2016

Garden of Tea 茶园风光 ...

Nov 27, 2010
BOH Tea Plantation, Camerion Highlands ...
金马仑高原的 BOH 茶叶种植园 ...

Our first visit to a tea plantation was exhilarating with such breath-taking views ...
我们第一次到这家茶叶种植园, 叹为观止的美景令人振奋 ...

The tea plantations seems to grow on slopes of the hills ...
茶园似乎生长在山的斜坡 ...

There really seem to follow the natural contours of the landscape ...
似乎真的要按照景观的自然轮廓 ...

I think growing on planned terraces that help both irrigation and soil erosion ...
也许就像梯田那样,帮助灌溉土壤和土壤侵蚀 ...

Reaching the plantation up the hills ...
对我来说, 要去到山上的种植园 ...

 is not entirely an easy task ...
不是一件容易的事 ...

The curvy road up the plantation is already worth the trip 
especially at the late afternoon hours when the sun paints the hills in spectacular green ...
特别是在傍晚时当太阳在壮观绿油油的茶园 ...

BOH Plantations Sdn. Bhd. is the largest black tea manufacturer in Malaysia. 
The BOH Tea Plantation, which is located at Cameron Highlands, Pahang, Malaysia
 is also the largest tea plantation in Malaysia ...
BOH 私人有限公司,是马来西亚最大的红茶生产厂家。

Sunday, December 25, 2016

秘密花园 Secret Garden ...

When you are 
in one with nature
No more words are needed

Waterfall Ulu Yam ...

Secret Garden at Ulu Yam 2010
Nikon D90 Nikkor 18-105
ISO 100 f18 @ 30

A gift of love 爱的礼物...

Nov 26, 2010
Rose Valley, Cameron Highlands ...

The Legend of the Christmas Rose ...

The Legend of the Christmas Rose speaks of a a little shepherd girl named Madelon 
near the little town of Bethlehem, Madelon, tended her father's flocks by night. 
While she shivered on one bitter cold night, 
she heard angels singing a glorious song. 
They brought glad tidings of a newborn king in Bethlehem,
she despaired that she had no gift 
to bring, for Madelon was poor indeed.

As she walked toward the spot where the infant lay, 
she looked for a flower to bring as her offering. 
Of course, she knew that flowers do not grow in snow and ice 
where the cold winds blows.

Her heart broke and she felt sad and forlorn. 
As she wept, an angel singing praises took pity on her. 
He swept away the snow near her feet on the frost-rimed ground. 
She marveled as each of her tears turned into a new flower 
when it fell to the ground.

The angel spoke and told her that this flower made the best gift 
because her love created it.

The Legend of the Christmas Rose also has some foundation in this 15th Century poem:

A Rose has sprung from a tender root,
From Jesus, as those of old have sung,
And it bore a flower,
In the middle of a cold winter,

When half spent was the night.
Isaiah foretold it, the Rose I have in mind;
Is Mary the pure, the little flower has brought us.
From God's eternal wisdom, she bore a child,
And remained pure.

The Flower, so small, whose sweet fragrance fills the air,
Dispels with glorious splendor the darkness everywhere;
True man and truer God, helps us out of all sorrows,
Saves from sin and death.

Oh Jesus, until we leave this misery,
Let your help guide us into joy,
In Your Father's Kingdom, where we eternally praise You.
Oh God, allow us this.

Translated from the early 15th century German poem 
"Es ist ein Ros' Entsprungen." Author unknown.

Merry Christmas ...

Saturday, December 24, 2016

我认为圣诞老人应该是一个女人 I think Santa Claus is a Woman ..

No offense intended
but I think
Santa Clause should be a
instead of that 
Big Belly man with white beard
Only a Woman will have the bigger heart
to select gifts for others,
Only a Woman will provide the warmth
her children yearns for,
Only a Woman will provide the smile
that a husband wish for


KL Pavilion
Samsung S7 Edge

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

一塵一劫 We are now is because of what we were before ...

There are no escape 
who we are today 
what we were 
our previous life

Den Gamle By

Den Gemle By, Aarhus Denmark
Olympus OMD EM1 m.zuiko 12-40
ISO 100 f2.8 @ 1/150

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

一笑而過 Laughing it Off ...

There come a point in our life
that there ain't nothing 
we can do about it
its better to
just laugh it off and carry on

@ 佛光山 Jenjarom

佛光山 Jenjarom
Olympus OMD EM1 m.zuiko 12-40mm

Saturday, December 17, 2016

来自"黑暗"的好建议 Advice from the Dark Side ...

"Search your feelings
You know it to be True"
Darth Vader

Selangor Pewter Star Wars exhibit @ KL Pavilion

Selangor Pewter Star Wars exhibit @ KL Pavilion
Samsung S7 Edge

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

无的境界 Free at Last ...

Do we all have to 
wait till the moment of death
before we can say,
"Thank God, 
Free at last, Free at last,
I am now free at last"

Ara Damansara lake

Ara Damansara
Olympus OMD EM1 m.zuiko 75-300
ISO 250 f6.3 @ 1/160

Monday, December 12, 2016

相信有圣诞老人 Believing in Santa ...

Believe in 
what you want to believe
if it
makes you happy


USJ 11
Samsung S7 Edge

Sunday, December 11, 2016

小朋友 Children ...

It is Sad to see that
many times
Children are seen
as Last
in Life's Equation

New Wing Opening KL Pavilion

Pavilion Elite
Samsung S7 Edge

Saturday, December 10, 2016

凡人的观点 Motral views ...

If this drawing were the creation of a Young Child
many would applause
and Praise the child
and perhaps declare of the childs artistic talents 

If this drawing were the creation of a Master
the Art critics will explain about the
fine composition with perfect strokes and how
well the Artist balanced all the object

If this drawing were said to be created 
by an ordinary adult person or by froggy
many would likely say its Naive
some would even say the 'artist' is 
sick and needs psychiatry treatment

We are all guilty of being
obsessed with our 
own viewpoints and perspectives
and quickly make judgement
about others 

Exhibits at the Rainbow Museum

Exhibits at the Rainbow Museum
Samsung Note 3

Saturday, December 3, 2016

每个人都故事 Our life stories ...

Once I was 6 years old
the world was "warmer" then
and I was excited about everything
and soon I will be 60 years old
the world is "colder" now
and I am tired of everything

枯山水 Zen Garden @ 佛光山 东禅寺

枯山水 Zen Garden @ 佛光山 东禅寺
Samsung S7 Edge

Friday, December 2, 2016

诱惑 Temptations ...

We See
We Want
We Have
We Want More
That's why we are not Happy

Temptations of a monk 诱惑和尚 ...

KL Pavilion 2010
Nikon D90 50mm

Thursday, December 1, 2016

心无罣碍 No more lingering thoughts ...

True Peace 
is when
no more Doubts 
lingered in 
our minds and soul

Banyan Tree Temple (Wat Bang Kung) 泰國夜功府 樹中廟

Banyan Tree Temple (Wat Bang Kung) 泰國夜功府 樹中廟
Nikon D7000 Nikkor 18-105
ISO 640 f5.6 @ 1/80

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

将要腐烂的叶子 Decaying Leaf ...

Life is but only a short walk 
of fast decay 
a much longer journey 
before eternity

@ 佛光山 东禅寺

佛光山 东禅寺
Samsung S7 Edge

Friday, November 25, 2016

翻转硬币 Flip of a Coin ...

Marriage is like gambling
on the flip of a coin
Few lucky ones will get
what they Dream of
but Others will be
forever living in the Nightmare
the rest of their lives

KL China Town

KL China Town
Samsung S7 Edge

Thursday, November 24, 2016

覺悟 Awareness ...

To find peace
We must first begin to
have self-awareness
of how 
our actions and non-actions
may affect people surrounding us

Hua Hin Railway Station 华欣火车站

Streets of Hua Hin near the Raiway Station
Nikon D7000 Nikkor 18-105
ISO 1250 f5.6 @ 1/160


Wednesday, November 23, 2016

一个马来西亚 One Malaysia ...

We dream of a day where
everyone will look at 
the heart of a person
instead of the color of their skin

KL China Town

KL China Town
Samsung S7 Edge

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

黑暗中的幸福 Happiness in Darkness ...

In light we see and learn 
to be prejudice and presumptuous
We may have eyes 
but we don't see 
what a blind person sees 
with their heart

KL China Town

KL China Town
Samsung S7 Edge

Monday, November 21, 2016

听生活的故事 Listening to life stories ...

Thats life,
everyone has a story to tell
Today I heard
some of the most amazing 
stories of the life of 
these four strangers

KL China Town

KL China Town
Samsung S7 Edge

Sunday, November 20, 2016

做好事, 说好话, 存好心 Speak Good Wrods, Do Good Deeds, Think Good Thoughts

I gazed on these words
and have deep thoughts 
about its meaning
and I felt ashamed
of myself

佛光山 Fo Guang Shan @ Jenjarom

佛光山 Fo Guang Shan @ Jenjarom
Olympus OMD EM1 m.zuiko 12-40mm

Saturday, November 19, 2016

奇異博士 Dr Strange ...

Throughout my working life 
People call me
Eccentric and Arrogant
as I do things ever
so differently from others
I may not be saving the world
and not have the powers 
of the Movie's Marvel Dr Strange
I probably be somewhat a 
simpler Dr Strange

Dr Strange @ GSC Cinema KL Pavilion

GSC Cinema Pavilion KL
"Marvel Dr. Strange"
Samsung S7 Edge

Friday, November 18, 2016

毅力 Perseverance ...

Light can 
Drive out Darkness,
Perseverance can 
Weed out Anger

Kek Lok Si 极乐寺 ...

Kek Lok Si 极乐寺
Nikon D90 Nikkor 10-24
ISO 1000 f6.3 @ 1/50

Monday, November 14, 2016

这就是为什么我喜欢摄影 This is why I love photography ...

At least today
for three hours
I escaped
with my little friend
into another world

KL Butterfly Park

KL Butterfly Park
Olympus OMD EM1 m.zuiko 60mm 

Sunday, November 13, 2016

选狂人求变 America decided a Wild man for a Wild Wide World ...

America decides
for a Wild Man
to take the 
Wild Wide World
for a Roller Coaster Ride
in the 
next 4 years

@ 美新 MeiSin KL Off Imbi

Rest MeiSin KL Off Imbi 
Samsung S7 Edge

Saturday, November 12, 2016

大迁移 The Great Migration ...

is the 
greatest gift 
human intelligence

The Great Migration

Orange Car Park, KL
Samsung S7 Edge

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

不平凡的平凡人 The Extraordinary Ordinary Men and Women ...

There is Nothing Ordinary 
making an everyday
Honest Living
in an
Man or Woman

鱼头迷粉 @ KL near Pudu Market (opposite Seetha Rham Banana Leaf Rice)

KL Pudu
Samsung S7 Edge

Monday, November 7, 2016

还是喜欢欧洲这个地方 I still like Europe ...

To me, 
Europe is always full
of Romantic Atmosphere
A place full of
Vicissitudes of history,
Yearning to visit 
Europe again 
with a different
state of mind
with a camera in my hands


Olympus OMD EM1 m.zuiko 12-40mm
ISO 100 f2.8 @ 1/1000

Saturday, November 5, 2016

寂寥无声的时刻 Solitude Moments ...

Silent moments 
are the
time of the day
when I write down
my feelings of the day

各有各看时事焦点 Today's news


Thursday, November 3, 2016

假装活着 Pretending to be alive ...

As I try to seek refuge in 
Inner piece, 
I begin to realize all of us
have been
pretending to be alive

@ 千禧茶餐室 KL Pudu

KL Pudu
Samsung S7 Edge