Tuesday, April 30, 2024

每個人曾經的青春 We were Young once ...

We all once wished 
our parents could understand

Animangaki 2013

Sunday, April 28, 2024

沉默的男人 The Silent Men ...

a Silent married man 
is a Clever man 

Streets of KL

Thursday, April 25, 2024

男人過了六十歲 Men over the age of 60 years ...

for many of us, it is the Beginning of
the Journey of Loneliness
in Silence, Secrecy
and Constant self Judgement

Foto Walk from 新加坡富麗華城市中心酒店 Furama City Centre Hotel to 唐人街 Chinatown @ 新加坡 Singapore

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

人生的硬道理 The Hard Truth ...

There are certainly people who can just sit around and
talk about their next luxury Vacation destination,
Most of the rest of people
just quietly look forward for another honest days work

养活一家人的小生意 Small businees that feed a family at home

你怎麼知道你有天賦 How do you know you have Talent ...

Talent is when you get
noticed, appreciated
and shared with others

@ 龙虎门 The 12 senses at 12 Lebuh Presgrave, Georgeyown Penang

Monday, April 22, 2024

勵志名言都是胡说八道 some Motivation speeches are mere Hogwash ...

"Follow your passion, don't let anyone limit your dreams"
are all nothing 
but a Bunch of LIES for most people
as the most important thing
is to put food on the table and to have a roof over your head

Jalan Petaling Kuala Lumpur

只是說來好聽的陳腔濫調 The saying that "Old is Gold" is for self-righteous people ...

when you are at his age or my age, 
you will realize that proverb
is often said because 
it only sounds righteous and not the truth
in the minds of most if not all people
including him and me

Foto Walk from 新加坡富麗華城市中心酒店 Furama City Centre Hotel to 唐人街 Chinatown @ 新加坡 Singapore

Sunday, April 21, 2024

我出生成長的地方是對岸 Tanah Tumpah Darahku ...

BUT unfortunately so sad to say that 
with so many Natural Resources, 
We can't even compete 
with our tiny next door neighbor

從十八樓俯瞰濱海灣 View from 18 floor to Marina Bay @ 新加坡城市中心富麗華大酒店 Furama City Centre,  Eu Tong Sen St, Sing

Saturday, April 20, 2024

我不能要求更多 I couldn't ask for more ...

The best and worst things in life 
always come unexpected

Nasi Dagang (一种粘米煮成的饭), Roti Bakar (烧面包), Kopi-O (Black Coffee)

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Sunday, April 14, 2024

自由世界的宣傳 The Free World Propaganda ...

Think about it, 
that the concept of "the Free World" 
was just a 
Propaganda term by the Western Bloc
during the first Cold War after WWII
all other subsequent Cold Wars 

The Vigeland Park

Saturday, April 13, 2024

為獨自一個人的快樂時光乾杯 I have had a good run in this life ...

A Toast to 
Good times and Bad times
Sad moments and Happier moments
Right choices and Wrong choices made
and above all
too many Bad days and some Better days

越南燒乳鴿 Vietnamese BBQ Pigeon rm$12 & 海錨啤酒 Anchor Beer rm$17 @ Lưu Thùy Dương Vietnamese stall in 老蒲种美食中心 Old Puchong Food Avenue in Puteri Mart, Bandar Puteri Puchong

Friday, April 12, 2024

又發白日夢 Daydreaming again ...

Instead of getting drunk or drugged, 
it is probably better just to day dream

阿姆斯特丹 Amsterdam,  荷蘭 Netherlands

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

看著死亡 Looking at Death ...

Looking death at the face, 
reminds us of being alive

@ Nui Kopi in 檳城興公司文創市集 Hin Bus Depot, 檳城喬治城 Penang Georgetown

Monday, April 8, 2024

正確的地點錯誤的時間 Right Place Wrong Time ...

Right Place Wrong Time does not matter,
it is the Right Decision that matters

代々木公園 Yoyogi Park

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Thursday, April 4, 2024

最終的目的地 The Final Destination ...

We have been pulled in too many directions 
when we were young, 
but there is still that one final unknown destination 
that no one can choose to escape from

马来西亚的路牌, 要三思而后行 I am not sure if I will trust this road sign

Monday, April 1, 2024

似水無形 Be Water ...

"Wise Philosophies" used wrongly 
can be detrimental

Tsim Sha Tsui Promenade 尖沙咀海濱花園星光大道 ...