Saturday, July 23, 2011

Nasi Lemak (Coconut Rice) 椰浆饭 ...

Nasi Lemak literally means 'fatty rice'. 
The name is derived from the cooking process whereby 
rice is soaked in coconut cream and then the mixture steamed. 
Screwpine (Pandan) leaves are thrown into the rice 
while steaming to give it more fragrance. 
Spices such as ginger and occasionally herbs like 
lemon grass may be added for additional fragrance
It is a dish widely eaten in Malaysia and Singapore 
throughout the day often served on 
a screwpine (pandan) leaf

Nasi Lemak (Coconut Rice) 椰浆饭 ...

Kepong Metropolitan Lake Garden 
甲洞大都会湖花园 ...