Monday, June 30, 2014

$39.90 world cup

I know the World Cup now is in the final 16, 
and I need to remind myself to at least watch one match 
before it is all over in 2 weeks time; 
so sad, and again I have yet to watch any re-runs

$39.90 world cup

Summit USJ 
Samsung Note 3

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

拜得神多, 自有神保佑 Gods Bless

Don't you think that all the Gods 
should team up someday to save us all

拜得神多, 自有神保佑 Gods Bless

Klang Town 
Olympus OMD EM5 with m.zuiko 12-50mm 
ISO 100 f4.5 @ 1/500

Saturday, June 21, 2014

有看世界杯吗 Did you watch the World Cup ...

No, I did not stay up all night to watch the world cup,
I did not even watch the re-runs.
On the radio driving to work at 6 in the morning;
I came to know for some teams,
the journey is ending soon

世界杯足球热 FIFA 2014 Football Fever

IKEA using Samsung Note 3

Thursday, June 19, 2014

爬得越高, 跌得越惨 Climb and Fall ...

The higher we climb, the harder we fall 
So I stay out of the corporate ladder, 
and had been happier for the past 10 years

Snake and Ladder

One City Mall with Samsung Note 3 

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

世界杯足球热 FIFA 2014 Countdown ...

Just around the corner,
World Cup 2014

世界杯足球热 FIFA 2014 Football Fever

Samsung Note 3

Sunday, June 8, 2014

稚气 Innocence ...

Photographing with a child's
 inquisitive and innocent mind 
may get better results

拍街头照就是这样,看到小孩的天真 Street photography realities, you will see varities of social behavior

Pavilion KL 
Olympus OMD EM5 with m.zuiko 45mm f1.8 
ISO 200 f5 @ 1/500 +0.3 EV

Thursday, June 5, 2014

随着我的镜头潜入灌木中 As my lens sneak into the shrubs ...

my chinese name 黄清华, 
I was teased with nickname Yellow Frog,
oh! that was maybe 40 years ago, 
now you know 

随着我的镜头潜入灌木中 As my lens sneak into the shrubs

KL Butterfly Park 
Olympus OMD EM5 with m.zuiko 60mm f1.8 
ISO 1250 f6.3 @ 1/200 0 EV

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

出生并生活在一个穆斯林国家 Born and Live in a Muslim Country ...

My grandfather and father migrated to this country 
before world war II, and I was born in the 60s, 
it is never easy for a Chinese living in a country 
of not your native langugage and predominantly a minority, 
we don't learn the history of China but instead history of a foreign land, 
to be honest we all pretend to celebrate chinese festivities but never knew what there really mean, 
I have come to terms with all these of being a migrant Chinese 
after living in this country for 50 years.
On the dinner table, though I still insist my bowl and chopsticks, 
but I don't mind eating with my hands or cutleries, 
 at home we insist our children to learn the Chinese Language
but I never insist them to use a bowl nor chopsticks on the dinner table;
as a Chinese,
I think we all work hard to make a living and adapt to wherever we were born.,
and I think I am kind of proud of that.

皇家巴生清真寺 Royal Klang Mosque

皇家巴生清真寺 Royal Klang Mosque 
Klang Town, Malaysia
Olympus OMD EM5 with m.zuiko 12-50mm 
ISO 100 f8 @ 1/320 -0.3 EV focal lenght 32mm

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

通过取景器与陌生人目光接触是一个有趣的经验 Eye-Contact ...

Eye-Contact with a stranger through the view finder 
has always been a fascinating experience to me

通过取景器与陌生人目光接触是一个有趣的经验 Eye-Contact with a stranger through the view finder has always been a fascinating experience to me

Pavilion, Bukit Bintang 
Olympus OMD EM5 with m.zuiko 60mm f1.8 
ISO 800 f2.8 @ 1/60 -0.7 EV

Monday, June 2, 2014

日常 Routines ...

If what we do daily is meaningful 
to ourselves and others, 
life is worth living

他的日常 His Routine

KL Imbi Market 
Olympus OMD EM5 with m.zuiko 45mm f1.8 
ISO 320 f2.5 @ 1/100 0 EV

Sunday, June 1, 2014

每一张照片都有一个故事 Photographing to tell a Story ...

There is nothing more exhilarating than life on the streets of a city, 
there are stories played in front of you every moment at every street corner, 
some stories are ordinary and some dramatic,
that is perhaps why I find street photographing challenging and exciting

在吉隆坡近距离拍街头照要有一定的勇气和运气 You do need a little bit of courage to street photograph on the streets of Kuala Lumpur

Little India Kuala Lumpur 
Fujifilm FinePix X100 
ISO 1250 f8 1/210 +1/3 EV