Thursday, August 19, 2010

Flower me today 花总是等着你来拍照 ...

Location: Malacca Butterfly & Reptile Sanctuary 马六甲蝴蝶和爬行动物公园
Date Taken: August 12th, 2010
Nikon D90, Tamron AF SP 90mm f/2.8
ISO 200, "A" mode 1/60 @ F10, 0 EV, Portrait, WB=Tungsten
Software: Picasa
Flickr link:

... the butterflies aren't coming to me this morning, but the flowers are always waiting for me ...... Here, I purposely set the white balance to Tungsten in a day light situation to see the effects; the wall behind was blue and there was only a little bit of sunlight as part of the sanctuary is enclosed with a net. A unique observation and comment I got from this flower is "Flower of death" because of the background colors rendered by the "Tungsten" White Balance Setting !