Friday, October 7, 2011

Advice 意见 ...

Approaching the 4th week of recovery from the
Cataract Surgery
Here are a few pieces of personal advice from
those who are recovering from such an operation
Avoid Scratching your eyes for the first 7-days
Wear the eye-piece provided when you go to bed
This is to avoid scratching your eyes when you are asleep.
And to avoid scratching your eyes
(1) Do not go to the City or any place dusty.
(2) No Cooking.
(3) No House Work.
(4) No Smoking. (I think)
(5) No Gardening. 
(6) Avoid using shampoo on your hair
(7) Avoid washing your eyes with water
(8) Do not force your eyes to read too much
(9) Always wear sun glasses when you need to go out

Avoid Strenuous Exercise for 1-month
(10) Do not lift heavy things (no gym workout)
(11) Walking early morning in the Park is OK
(12) Slow jogging maybe 3rd week
(13) No running after 1-month

(14) Lots of rest.

(15) If you are eyes are allergic to some food or drinks, avoid that (I think)
(16) The Chinese avoid shrimp, duck (you may not need to)
(17) Otherwise, follow the doctors orders

(18) Follows doctors orders on eye-drops

Besides the 'technical' aspects of recovery
the PSYCHOLOGICAL aspects of recovering
is very important, 
family and good friends
are also the key to a good recovery

Daily doses of eye drops while recovering from the Cataract Surgery ...