Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Damselfly 豆娘蜻蛉 ...

I became interested in Damselfies
when I started photographing Dragonflies,
when there are sitting in vegetation,
they can be very difficult to find.
When at rest,
 I notice a damselfly put its wings at its back;
while a dragonfly rests its wings parallel to the body.
In Chinese, it is called “DouNiang” 豆娘
“Dou” means bean, and “Niang” means mother or lady. 
It is called the “Lady of the Bean” in Chinese.
She looks weak and soft when she moves in the air, 
she always has a beautiful dance, 
just like a beautiful lady. 


Damselfly 蜻蛉 ...

Damselfly 蜻蛉 ...


Butterfly Park,
Kuala Lumpur ...