Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Listen to your heart 傾聽你的心聲 ...

I remember as a kid, I love to draw 
not just anything but Architectural buildings; 
in my first year of Architectural School, 
I Aced every subject except Design which only had "B", 
at the 1st year end semester break;
I thought deeply why B, maybe I am not good enough 
and if I am not good enough maybe I should not be an Architect;
I quit Architectural school and did something else. 
Until today, the thought of the possibility 
of great things I could have done as an Architect still haunts me 
at 50, 
perhaps I knew now that
I should have listen to my heart 
instead of my stupid little brain

The Peak, Hong Kong 香港太平山

The Peak, Hong Kong 香港太平山 
Hong Kong 香港