Dong Zen Temple, Jenjarom
佛光山东禅寺 ...
意思就是把心静下来 !
You may be surprise,
we must go back to
cry like a baby
as an adults cry
is full of worry and sorrow
but a babies cry
is full of innocence and freedom
We are all born with
an inner peace in our
hearts, minds, and soul
when a little child
roams freely with joy and without worries
that is inner peace
Open the door of your heart to inner peace
the first step of inner peace
is to learn to
roam again freely with joy and without worries
just like when we were young
we must go back to
cry like a baby
as an adults cry
is full of worry and sorrow
but a babies cry
is full of innocence and freedom
We are all born with
an inner peace in our
hearts, minds, and soul
when a little child
roams freely with joy and without worries
that is inner peace
Open the door of your heart to inner peace
the first step of inner peace
is to learn to
roam again freely with joy and without worries
just like when we were young