Friday, June 10, 2011

Who's been digging-up the-nuts 去挖花生啦 ...

Digging up earth-nuts
reminds me of
The Tale of Timmy Tiptoes
some say that it is a really bad children story
while others cheer for the creativity of the author
I actually read the story in Chinese Language
It starts out very nicely with a squirrel and his wife, preparing for winter;
gathering and storing nuts.
Timmy stashes his in a hollow tree while other squirrels
dig holes on the ground to hide theirs.
A roving band of forgetful squirrels can't remember
where their nuts are and begin to fight.
About this time,
a bird comes by and randomly begins to sing
"who's been digging up my nuts".
The other squirrels in the forest think that Timmy
has stolen all his nuts from their storehouses and
they go to chase him. He then gets trapped in a tree with a chipmunk,
known simply as Chipmunk.
But finally he was united with his wife.
Beatrix Potter's many story books
are translated to the Chinese Language
and can be found quite easily in
our local bookstores

call me crazy but
whenever I am in a bookstore,
I only look for and read children books 

Digging for Nuts 去挖花生啦 ...