Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Were you into music when you were young 当你年轻时, 你有玩一些乐器吗 ...

Dec 05, 2010 Subang Parade ...
Yahama Guitar & Drum Fair ...

I remember I did some classical guitar as well as some organ for several years in 
high school, and those musical pieces by Bach are not
the easiest to work on ...

I have just totally abandoned the musical "stuff" when I left 
for the University and has never picked up a
guitar or played the organ since then ...

I guess I don't have any talent for music as I
was the slowest to play the pieces "right" in class ...

Oh, seeing someone plucking the guitar really reminds me of
the hours I spent on it as a teenager ...

I still remember my guitar teacher, Mr Simon at
the Yamaha Music School 
who I think was a perfectionist and measures every 
tune I play with his sharp ears ...

"Music should be played with the ears and your heart
and not from your eyes or hands" ...
I can still remembered his words
as he repeats it in every lesson for several years ...

not sure I will ever pick up a guitar at my age now after
so many years ...

I don't think I dared to pick up the guitars here as it cost a little bit
over $13000 malaysian ringgit for any of the
classical or electrical guitars ...