Tuesday, November 9, 2010

For the good of us all 都是为我们的好 ...

Malaysia has a multi racial and multicultural population. Though there are many ethic groups in Malaysia, most of the population is classified into 3 major ethnic grouping: Malays, Chinese and Indians (a legacy of British administrative convenience). 
As the country's official religion is Muslim, you can find beautiful mosque around the country. 

I love places of worship - their grandeur, their peacefulness, their architectural beauty. 

One can simply find the presence of Mosque, Church, Buddhist, Taoist, and Indian temple in close proximity and people of these different religious faiths living harmoniously for most of the times. 

As I began my photography journey into a temple, mosque, or church; there are always warm welcome and inviting gestures. In my opinion, this is what the true it should be; living together peacefully, harmony and respect each other in a country of diversity.

The variety of religions found in Malaysia is a direct reflection of the diversity of races living in this country. 
As I believe that fundamentals of all religions teaches the "good" in a human being .....

.... that is a good reason for all to live together peacefully ....
(These shots were taken in several locations in the City of Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya)